Sambiloto is medicinal plants, species of A paniculata, family acanthaceae genus andrographis, name binomial is Andrographis Paniculata. A bitter medicinal plants in the form of a rights spice it reached 90 centimeters. Suspected origin of tropical Asia. Spreading out to India extends south dead in Siam, in the east to the peninsula of Malaya, later found to Java. Grows well bootable height of 700 meters above sea level. Bitter can grow well on precipitation 2000-3000 mm / aƱos and the temperature of the water is 25-32 degrees Celsius. Including medium 70-90% humidity needed IE radiation quite old. Local bitter particular include: sambilata (Malay); Ampadu country (West Sumatra); bitter, ki pait, solders, andiloto (Central Java); ki Oray (Sunda); pepaitan (Madura), while the name Foreign lien Xin Chuan (China).
Cancer cells in in vitro assays, it is clear that the compound of Andrographolide and prevents tumor cancer cells.
Anti-cancer abilities shown in this study Sambiloto, Sambiloto against squamous cancer cells and lymphocytes, leukemia affected proved.
Another study in Japan reported that it also works to stop the activity of Sambiloto gastric cancer cells. Then, Sambiloto inhibit tumor growth has been shown in other studies.
It is used as a tool for disease is desirable, so that also Sambiloto extract inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells is detrimental to the results of other studies of women. Yes, the ability to inhibit DNA synthesis methods Sambiloto cancer cells.
The characteristics of plants Sambiloto
-Single leaf, short stem, located opposite the cross-shaped lanceolate, narrowing base, pointed tip, flat edge, top, bottom color dark green light green
-Flower, Rasemosa inflorescence branching panicles outside. the end of the tube or leaves the armpit. Tubular flowers lips; small parts, white painted purple.
- Fruits elliptical capsule, ang Panj about 1.5 cm long, 0.5 cm wide, the base and the tip when mature will be divided into 4 pieces mernbujur flattened seeds, small, brown, light. Propagation by seed or stem cuttings
Chemical content of Sambiloto/Andrographis Paniculata
Leaves and ramifications contains laktone consisting of deoksiandrografolid, andrografolid (bitter substances), neoandrografolid, 14-deoxy-11-12-didehidroandrografolid, and homoandrografolid. Also there is a flavonoid, alkane, ketone, aldehyde, minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium), acid grit, and resin. Flavotioid isolated most of the roots, namely polimetoksiflavon, andrografin, pan.ikulin, mono-0-metilwithin, and apigenin-7,4- dimetileter. The active substance andrografolid proved efficacious as hepatoprotektor (protects liver cells from toxic substances).
Concocting Sambiloto/Andrographis Paniculata for drugs
1. Treating typhoid. Prepare 10-15 leaves fresh bitter. Add enough water to the boil and then boiled. To reduce the bitter taste of the leaves, when it will be taking the herbs can be mixed with honey.
2. Treating pulmonary tuberculosis. Fresh bitter leaf is dried, and finely ground into a powder. After that, plus a little honey and made circles pill about 0.5 cm in diameter. This pill should be taken with boiled water 2-3 times a day. Once drinking can be 15-30 pills.
3. Treating whooping cough or pertussis. Take three pieces of bitter leaf and brewed with hot water and add a little honey. Drink the potion 3 times a day.
4. Treat gonorrhea. Take three rods and their bitter leaves. Rinse and then boiled in 4 cups of water to the remaining 2.25 glasses. Cool water first, then filtered. If you want to drink add honey as needed. Do it 3 times a day each 3/4 cup.
5. Treating Fever. Take the bitter leaf that is still fresh and paste it in the body or the forehead.
6. Increase appetite. Prepare 10 pieces of bitter leaf, bark and stems of the plants as much as 50 g. Rinse all the ingredients, then boiled with 3000 cc of water. Enough water to drink a glass a day. To eliminate the bitter taste can be added a little honey.
7. Eardrops. Take the bitter plant that is still fresh taste and pulverized, then squeeze the juice. Furthermore, the water squeezed drops into the ear.
Diseases that can be cured with bitter / andrographis paniculata
Middle ear infections, thipus abdominalis, disentri basiler, flu, headache, influenza, fever,
inflammation of the airways, lung inflammation, whooping cough, high blood pressure,mouth infection, diabetes, gonorrhea, disentri, cancer, bitten by venomous animals, tonsilitis, pharyngitis. Andrographis paniculata/ sambiloto is also known as the king of bitter conquerors disease.
Sambiloto is medicinal plants, species of A paniculata, family acanthaceae genus andrographis, name binomial is Andrographis Paniculata. A bitter medicinal plants in the form of a rights spice it reached 90 centimeters. Suspected origin of tropical Asia. Spreading out to India extends south dead in Siam, in the east to the peninsula of Malaya, later found to Java. Grows well bootable height of 700 meters above sea level. Bitter can grow well on precipitation 2000-3000 mm / aƱos and the temperature of the water is 25-32 degrees Celsius. Including medium 70-90% humidity needed IE radiation quite old. Local bitter particular include: sambilata (Malay); Ampadu country (West Sumatra); bitter, ki pait, solders, andiloto (Central Java); ki Oray (Sunda); pepaitan (Madura), while the name Foreign lien Xin Chuan (China).
Cancer cells in in vitro assays, it is clear that the compound of Andrographolide and prevents tumor cancer cells.
Anti-cancer abilities shown in this study Sambiloto, Sambiloto against squamous cancer cells and lymphocytes, leukemia affected proved.
Another study in Japan reported that it also works to stop the activity of Sambiloto gastric cancer cells. Then, Sambiloto inhibit tumor growth has been shown in other studies.
It is used as a tool for disease is desirable, so that also Sambiloto extract inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells is detrimental to the results of other studies of women. Yes, the ability to inhibit DNA synthesis methods Sambiloto cancer cells.
The characteristics of plants Sambiloto
-Single leaf, short stem, located opposite the cross-shaped lanceolate, narrowing base, pointed tip, flat edge, top, bottom color dark green light green
-Flower, Rasemosa inflorescence branching panicles outside. the end of the tube or leaves the armpit. Tubular flowers lips; small parts, white painted purple.
- Fruits elliptical capsule, ang Panj about 1.5 cm long, 0.5 cm wide, the base and the tip when mature will be divided into 4 pieces mernbujur flattened seeds, small, brown, light. Propagation by seed or stem cuttings
Chemical content of Sambiloto/Andrographis Paniculata
Leaves and ramifications contains laktone consisting of deoksiandrografolid, andrografolid (bitter substances), neoandrografolid, 14-deoxy-11-12-didehidroandrografolid, and homoandrografolid. Also there is a flavonoid, alkane, ketone, aldehyde, minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium), acid grit, and resin. Flavotioid isolated most of the roots, namely polimetoksiflavon, andrografin, pan.ikulin, mono-0-metilwithin, and apigenin-7,4- dimetileter. The active substance andrografolid proved efficacious as hepatoprotektor (protects liver cells from toxic substances).
Concocting Sambiloto/Andrographis Paniculata for drugs
1. Treating typhoid. Prepare 10-15 leaves fresh bitter. Add enough water to the boil and then boiled. To reduce the bitter taste of the leaves, when it will be taking the herbs can be mixed with honey.
2. Treating pulmonary tuberculosis. Fresh bitter leaf is dried, and finely ground into a powder. After that, plus a little honey and made circles pill about 0.5 cm in diameter. This pill should be taken with boiled water 2-3 times a day. Once drinking can be 15-30 pills.
3. Treating whooping cough or pertussis. Take three pieces of bitter leaf and brewed with hot water and add a little honey. Drink the potion 3 times a day.
4. Treat gonorrhea. Take three rods and their bitter leaves. Rinse and then boiled in 4 cups of water to the remaining 2.25 glasses. Cool water first, then filtered. If you want to drink add honey as needed. Do it 3 times a day each 3/4 cup.
5. Treating Fever. Take the bitter leaf that is still fresh and paste it in the body or the forehead.
6. Increase appetite. Prepare 10 pieces of bitter leaf, bark and stems of the plants as much as 50 g. Rinse all the ingredients, then boiled with 3000 cc of water. Enough water to drink a glass a day. To eliminate the bitter taste can be added a little honey.
7. Eardrops. Take the bitter plant that is still fresh taste and pulverized, then squeeze the juice. Furthermore, the water squeezed drops into the ear.
Diseases that can be cured with bitter / andrographis paniculata
Middle ear infections, thipus abdominalis, disentri basiler, flu, headache, influenza, fever,
inflammation of the airways, lung inflammation, whooping cough, high blood pressure,mouth infection, diabetes, gonorrhea, disentri, cancer, bitten by venomous animals, tonsilitis, pharyngitis. Andrographis paniculata/ sambiloto is also known as the king of bitter conquerors disease.